The Granite Guild offers membership to those who are involved in granite trade in the UK.


How to join

Potential new members should be proposed in writing to the Granite Guild Secretary before the Annual General Meeting. Applications must be seconded by an existing member of the Granite Guild before elections are held at the next Annual General Meeting.

Unless there are at least two dissentients during the election proposed new members will be invited to join the Granite Guild.


Membership subscription

Members of the Granite Guild are required to pay a subscription as part of their membership. The cost of this is considered at each Annual General Meeting and varies to accommodate current circumstances.



The day to day running of the Granite Guild is supported by a small committee of members. The membership officers are:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

Each of these roles will be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Each year the incoming President of the Guild is presented with the Chain of Office by the past President. Symbolising the industry and friendship of the Granite Guild, the Chain of Office contains fifteen different granites from across the British Isles.